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HiCOMB 2019 — 18th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology

20th May 2019 - 20th May 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The size and complexity of genome- and proteome-scale data sets in bioinformatics continues to grow at a furious pace, and the analysis of these complex, noisy, data sets demands efficient algorithms and high performance computer architectures. Hence high-performance computing has become an integral part of research and development in bioinformatics, computational biology, and medical and health informatics. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of latest research in developing high-performance computing solutions to data- and compute-intensive problems arising from all areas of computational life sciences. We are especially interested in: (a) parallel and distributed algorithms, (b) memory-efficient algorithms, (c) large scale data mining techniques including approaches for big data and cloud computing, (d) algorithms on multicores and accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs, and (e) design of high-performance software and hardware for biological applications. Works representing novel use of HPC tools on emerging technologies and applications within computational biology (e.g., precision medicine/agriculture, long reads, microbiome, synthetic biology) are particularly encouraged.

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